April 11, 2024
Ukrainian Cinema Club: Screening "Stop Zemlia"

We’re inviting you to spend an evening with us as we journey back to the days of youth with the film “Stop-Zemlia” by Kateryna Gornostai.

“Stop-Zemlia” is the emotional and tender story of waiting for life to begin while hanging around with classmates - a radical, authentic, and sensitive insight into the unsettling feeling of being young and an inside perspective on Ukrainian youth.

In this film, Kateryna captures one of the most vulnerable periods in every person's life - teenagehood. It's a deeply personal narrative of self-discovery and the patience it demands. We've all experienced those moments: facing initial challenges, seeking friendship or first love, and defining our place in society.

This time, we're enriching your experience with a selection of Ukrainian cuisine, so you will be able to grab some food and wine before or during the screening.

Date: Thursday 11th of April

Time: 19:00 - 22:00

Doors open at 18:30.

About the film.

The introverted high-school girl Masha sees herself as an outsider unless she hangs around with Yana and Senia who share her non-conformist status. While she is trying to navigate through an intense time of the pre-graduation year, Masha falls in love in a way that forces her out of her confort zone. From a debutant Ukrainian director Kateryna Gornostai, a deeply personal story about self-discovery and the patience it requires.


Шістнадцятирічна Маша навчається в звичайній київській школі в 11-му класі. Щоб не почувати себе дивно та відчужено в колективі, їй допомагають близькі друзі Яна та Сеня. Окрім майбутніх іспитів, виходити зі зони комфорту Машу змушує закоханість в однокласника Сашу. Вона розуміє, що якщо не наважиться запитати, ніколи не дізнається, чи взаємно це.