October 19, 2023
Moving Words - Immersive Storytelling

Moving Words - Immersive Storytelling

Discover how storytelling and moving images interact at a new storytelling event in Amsterdam - Moving Words. Join us for an evening of immersive storytelling.

An evening of storytelling and moving arts

Moving Words - transcend the boundaries of traditional storytelling.

Moving Words invites live storytellers to explore how visual imagery can heighten and contrast their words. It’s an artistic collaboration between one of the oldest art forms and one of the newest.

The evening features performances from some of Amsterdam’s most exciting storytellers. It’s capped off by an open mic, in which audience members can share a short story of their own.

Join us on Thursday, 19 October at 7pm at MACA’s artistic home in NDSM for an evening of storytelling and moving arts - with plenty of time in between for drinks and good conversation.