January 19, 2024
CINE:MACA - The Closing Presentation

Friday, January 19th - 19.00

Over the past six months, residents have been dedicating themselves to personal artistic research to create and develop pieces of (visual) work.

Each resident will guide you through their journey, offering a unique perspective into the inspiration and exploration that has shaped their creations. During this evening the residents will present an insight into the depth of their work which will contain snippets of film, soundscapes, visual pieces and written examples. The evening will also include an open discussion, where you can interact with the artists and gain insight into the inspirations behind their work.

Join us for an exclusive glimpse into the artistic journey of our resident artists as they showcase the progress they've made during their time at MACA.

Hope to see you there,

Aitan Ebrahimoff

Ashanti Vreden

Carmen Dusmet Carrasco

Natalia Śliwowska

Orly Nurany
